Sunday, August 24, 2008

Camden and Kodi

As you all know, getting Camden to bed is not easy. Last night, he fell asleep with Kodi. Maybe this can be our new approach.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Camden and his phone

Camden loves to see Ms. Gina and Campbell at school and he gets really frustrated when they take too long getting out of the car. He missed her yesterday so when we got home, he picked up his phone and called her. This is not the first time he has had pretend conversations with her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here are some pictures that we have taken so far with the family. In order: 1 - Grant and me, 2 - Great Granny and Grant, 3 - Great Granny, Grant and Pop Pop, 4 - Great Granny, Grant, Camden and Pop Pop, 5 - Aunt Geri, Grant and Norm


Norm and I were very fortunate to be able to have a night on the town. Granny, Paw Paw and the boys dropped us off in Georgetown after the zoo. We had a great dinner on the river and then went sightseeing the next day. It was a wonderful little getaway.

The National Zoo

Granny and Paw Paw took us to the National Zoo while we are on our vacay in Maryland. The weather here is wonderful. NO humidy and the high has been in the lower 80s. Such a nice break from the BR weather! Here are some pictures of us. Camden insisted on pushing Grant around the zoo. Perhaps he will be a great big brother!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bath time

The boys love bath time. Camden throws water on Grant and Grant cracks up laughing. Any attention that he gets from Camden is comical to him. This could be very scary...

Grant is finally getting around!

We are getting ready for our trip to see all of the family in Maryland. Camden is so excited about riding on the airplane. We are hoping to be pleasently surprised about the trip up there. We are all looking very forward to seeing our family and going to Ashley and Ray's wedding! I will post new pictures when we return next Sunday. Here is a video of Grant "crawling". He is getting pretty good at it!!!